Caplyn Dor
Escape to Beauty

Caplyn Dor is an award-winning fine artist and graphics illustrator who has had numerous National and International art shows, including being awarded a Creative Artist Fellowship from the New York State Council on the Arts. Through this award, she was able to have a Father and Daughter Art show which she will treasure forever.
Her work has graced the cover of ReVisions Magazine, The Salamander Review, TFTN - The Fractal Translight Newsletter as well as in various art-related publications. Caplyn is included in the Marquis Who’s Who of American Women and has illustrated two children‘s books: Life Lessons with Mr. Aaron and Mr. Andrew and the Hu-Man in You. The artist’s works are in many collections, including that of former Buffalo Bills Quarterback, Jim Kelly.
Coming from an artistic family contributed greatly in forming the artistic building blocks for Caplyn’s art career. As a child, she often went fishing with her father and then watched him paint beautifully-engaging country scenes from memory upon his return. While home, her father painted many portraits of the love of his life, Caplyn’s mother. The artist would look at her father’s art books for hours as well as his many highly-detailed schematics which involved engineering designs for his profession as an electrical engineer. The artist also watched her mother who was a gifted ceramist create beautiful figurines through the modeling of clay and was overjoyed when allowed to help her mother paint some of her lovely created ceramic pixies’ and flowers. These are some of the many influences that the artist had upon her life in directing her along her artistic path.
Caplyn Dor tends to see beauty on the most miniscule scale and uses this in every way within her work to create a feeling of wellbeing and to bring the viewer to a very pleasing and serene place.
Caplyn credits her talent mainly to her strong faith and love of God. She can be found working on her art at home in Western New York with her wonderfully supportive husband, Ken and her cat, Isis.
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